Reasons Dementia Patients Are Better Off at Home

When a loved one develops dementia, moving them into a care facility can be difficult. Increasingly, families are opting to keep their loved ones at home—and for good reason. Staying in familiar surroundings is often beneficial for dementia patients. Here are some of the reasons dementia patients are better off at home.

Increased Comfort and Lower Anxiety

Staying in their own home gives dementia patients a sense of familiarity and comfort. Patients may experience less anxiety when surrounded by familiar items, as opposed to being placed in an unfamiliar environment with strangers and strange sounds. By remaining at home, dementia patients have more control over the environment around them—which can lead to improved quality of life.

Support From Familiar Faces

Familiarity is comforting. When caretakers are consistent, dementia patients may experience less confusion and better memory retention over time because they get used to the people caring for them. This can be especially true if family members are providing care. It may also reduce feelings of loneliness or abandonment.

Consistent care is essential for dementia patients. Honey Healthcare provides home care aides trained for in-home dementia care. They help dementia patients maintain their quality of life. Our aides provide companionship and safety. They can keep dementia patients from wandering and ensure the home environment is as free from hazards as possible while maintaining familiar routines.

Less Risk of Infection

When a dementia patient moves into a care facility, they can be exposed to a variety of bacteria and viruses in their new environment. As we all learned during the pandemic, congregate living situations carry a higher risk of transmission of infectious diseases. Staying at home reduces this risk and helps keep dementia patients healthier overall.

Greater Independence

By remaining at home, dementia patients have greater independence and freedom. With the proper help and compassionate supervision, they can continue to enjoy activities that were part of their daily routine before the diagnosis, like taking a walk around the neighborhood or visiting with friends.

Keeping your loved one at home is a decision that requires careful consideration and planning. But for many families, dementia patients are better off at home. Staying in familiar surroundings can be an ideal way to ensure the best quality of life for a loved one with dementia.


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